Geriatric Care

Physicians Medical Primary Care

Primary Care located in San Jose, CA

If you’re over the age of 65, you may want to consider geriatric care. Geriatric care works to diagnose and treat health problems that affect older people. At Physicians Medical Primary Care in San Jose, California, family physicians regularly work with seniors to provide comprehensive geriatric care services. To request your appointment today, call the office or use the online booking tool.

Geriatric Care Q & A

What is geriatric care?

Geriatric care is a branch of medicine focused on treating conditions that affect older adults. If you’re reaching retirement age, or you have a health problem that usually affects older people, you may want to consider participating in geriatric care. In addition to easing your symptoms and improving your overall quality of life, geriatric care can help you age more comfortably. 

How does aging affect my health?

As you get older, you develop wrinkles and grey hair; your body experiences a variety of changes, too. For example, your blood vessels and arteries can become stiff and harden. Your bones shrink in size and density, and you’re more susceptible to conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. The natural aging process also affects your immune system. The older you get, the more likely you are to catch the flu, colds, or respiratory ailments like pneumonia. 

Though you can’t stop the natural aging process entirely, there are steps you can take to lower your risk of these and other problems. Geriatric care can provide you with tips and insights to improve your health and longevity. 

geriatric careWhat conditions does geriatric care treat?

Physicians Medical Primary Care doctors diagnose and treat a variety of age-related health problems, including:

  • Dementia
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Incontinence
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease

They also work with people experiencing frailty, as well as balance and mobility issues. 

What are the benefits of geriatric care?

Aging presents a variety of physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges. Participating in geriatric care educates you on how to stay active, healthy, and connected. It also helps you manage transitions in your work life, family life, and living environments.

Geriatric care can also provide a more positive spin on the natural aging process. Studies show that when people have negative ideas about the aging process, it often translates to worse health outcomes. Partnering with Physicians Medical Primary Care can help you stay active and healthy for years to come. 

Am I a candidate for geriatric care?

To determine if you’re a candidate for geriatric care, make an appointment at Physicians Medical Primary Care. Following a review of your medical history, discussion of your goals for treatment, and physical exam, your doctor can make recommendations that align with your individual needs.

If you want to age gracefully, geriatric care can help. Make an appointment at Physicians Medical Primary Care today by calling the office or using the online booking tool.