Internal Medicine

Physicians Medical Primary Care

Primary Care located in San Jose, CA

As an adult, you’re at a higher risk for heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, and a range of other conditions affecting your long-term health. At Physicians Medical Primary Care in San Jose, California, our family physicians provide internal medicine services to keep you healthy throughout adulthood. To request an appointment, call Physicians Medical Primary Care or use the online scheduling tool today.

Internal Medicine Q & A

What is internal medicine?

Internal medicine is a wide discipline of medicine that focuses on treating adults. One key focus of internal medicine is preventive care: care that helps reduce your chances of getting sick instead of treating the sickness when it occurs. Your internal medicine provider at Physicians Medical Primary Care gets to know your habits and lifestyle to cater your care to your specific needs.

Internal medicine includes a wide range of subspecialties. While an internist can provide generalized care and informed input for other specialists, they may refer you to experts in one or more of these subspecialties for focused care:

  • Cardiology (heart health)
  • Endocrinology (hormone health)
  • Immunology (immune system functioning)
  • Rheumatology (musculoskeletal functioning)
  • Pulmonology (lung health)
  • Hematology (blood health)
  • Oncology (cancer treatment and prevention)

Subspecialists in internal medicine work together to develop a complete understanding of your health. 

Is internal medicine the same as family medicine?

Both internal medicine and family medicine cover a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, and their practitioners can provide primary care. However, internal medicine and family medicine aren’t quite the same. Family medicine specialists see patients of all ages, including babies and children. Internists specialize in adult care only.

internal medicineWhen should I get internal medicine care?

Annual visits to an internist are recommended for most adults. Whether you’re healthy or experiencing symptoms, your Physicians Medical Primary Care doctor can perform a standard physical exam, answer your questions, and give you tips for a healthier lifestyle. They can also detect signs of illnesses early on and provide treatment before you even develop symptoms.

Aside from your regular check-ups, you can make an appointment with an internist for:

  • New or worsening symptoms
  • Chronic disease management
  • Prescription changes
  • Screenings
  • Immunization updates
  • Physical exams for work or school
  • Lifestyle changes

Your doctor might recommend that you visit Physicians Medical Primary Care regularly if you’re at a high risk of getting a certain disease or if you already have a condition that needs monitoring. 

To find out more about internal medicine and its significance in medicine, request an appointment by phone or online at Physicians Medical Primary Care today.