Can Dietary Supplements Help Me Lose Weight?

Can Dietary Supplements Help Me Lose Weight?

Everyone wants to know if there’s a magic pill that can help you lose weight just by swallowing one every day while you eat whatever you want to eat and live however you want to live.

The answer: Nope.

But if you’re consistent with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine and still have trouble dropping excess weight, some dietary supplements can help.

Our team at Physicians Medical Primary Care specializes in helping patients manage their weight loss. Here’s what we tell them.

What is healthy weight loss?

If you’re overweight, you naturally want a quick fix. You’re looking for a way to make the pounds disappear as fast as humanly possible.

But quick weight loss like this isn’t healthy, and it isn’t sustainable, no matter what commercials may be telling you. If you lose weight fast, you’re likely to regain it just as quickly. You’re much more likely to keep the weight off if you lose it slowly and steadily by changing your lifestyle and habits.

This starts with a foundation of diet and exercise. A healthy diet can vary from person to person in the specifics, but the basics will include fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and plenty of water. Here are a few eating options to help you get started. We also offer nutritional counseling as part of our weight loss management program.

Exercise is also vital to losing weight. You want to follow a program you enjoy that aligns with your needs. You don’t want to exercise so hard you burn out in a week. We advise on exercise routines as well, plus here’s an example to get you started.

How can supplements help?

For many people, the discipline of diet and exercise is their “magic formula” to lose weight. Other patients, though, may be living with a chronic disease, an autoimmune condition, or have some other issue that makes an additional medication or supplement necessary. 

These supplements may provide a nutrient or substance your body is missing or doesn’t have enough of that helps make your weight loss possible. You may also be facing a hormonal imbalance that affects your weight, and taking additional hormones can help.

If you feel like you’re facing this situation, your best course of action is to talk to your doctor. Here at Physicians Medical Primary Care, we’ll do a physical exam, review your medical history, and then make recommendations on what will work best for you.

When you’re ready to start (or restart) your weight loss journey, just call one of our San Jose locations or use our convenient online scheduler to book your own appointment online!

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