Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?

If your doctor just gave you the news that you have diabetes, you can take comfort in two things. First, you’re not alone. More than 38 million people in the United States have diabetes. 

90%-95% of those people have Type 2 diabetes, which occurs when your body doesn’t respond to insulin the way it’s designed to (or it’s just not making enough insulin), which causes your blood sugar levels to reach dangerous levels.

This leads to the second comforting fact: Type 2 diabetes is reversible, so you have hope that with the right lifestyle changes and treatment, you can get your body back to normal. Here at Physician’s Medical Primary Care, we work with many patients to diagnose and treat diabetes

Here are a few steps you can take to reverse Type 2 diabetes:

Lower your blood pressure

Hypertension (high blood pressure) puts you at greater risk for diabetes. If you do have diabetes, you should aim to keep your blood pressure readings under 130/80 mmHg. The most effective way to do this is with lifestyle changes (as opposed to medication).

Lower your blood triglycerides

High triglyceride levels (fat) in your blood are a big sign of diabetes. Lowering your weight and increasing your exercise can, in turn, lower your triglycerides (and your risk of diabetes). Excess carbs in your diet are a common cause of triglycerides, so take it easy on the breads and starches!

Increase your high-density lipoproteins (HDL)

High levels of the “good” cholesterol (HDL) reduce your risk of diabetes as well. To turn your diagnosis around, follow a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. This will raise your HDL levels, which also reduces your risk of hardened arteries.  

Watch your weight

You’ve probably picked up on this by now: controlling your weight by eating a healthy diet and consistently exercising can make a huge difference in your fight against diabetes. Even if you can find a way to lose just 5%-10% of your weight, your risk of diabetes drops significantly.

While you can’t necessarily control everything about how your body creates and processes insulin, you can directly influence many of the factors listed above. Following these recommendations will go a long way toward reversing your Type 2 diabetes.

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes (or think you might have it), you’ll need professional guidance to manage and treat your disease. Our experienced, caring team at Physician’s Medical Primary Care would consider it an honor to serve you. Just call one of our three office locations or book an appointment with our online scheduler anytime!

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