5 Ways to Lose Weight Without Feeling Deprived

5 Ways to Lose Weight Without Feeling Deprived

You need to lose weight, and you know it. You even want to lose weight. You’ve tried a bunch of different weight loss plans, but all of them fizzle out eventually.

You might see some quick results, but you always feel cranky and less than your best self because you’re constantly depriving yourself, so you end up giving in and returning to your old habits.

We can help you change.

At Physicians Medical Primary Care, we use lifestyle changes, exercise, and nutritional counseling to help you lose weight and keep it off. Here are five ways we have found you can lose weight without feeling deprived.

Change your mindset

If you want results, you must change your behaviors, but this won’t happen without changing your beliefs first. If you really want to lose weight and not feel deprived, don’t view those tasty but unhealthy foods with a mindset that says, “I’m upset because I can’t eat that.”

Instead, look at what you get to eat and think, “I am choosing to eat the food I know will help me reach my goals.” Reframing your choices this way helps you keep the ultimate results in mind.

Eat more protein and fiber

When you eat protein, you feel fuller for longer, so plan your diet to include plenty of protein. Ensure it’s lean protein, such as boneless, skinless chicken breast, lean ground beef, or plain Greek yogurt.

Foods high in fiber also hold water and expand in your stomach, helping you feel fuller, so include plenty of fiber in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, beans, and brown rice all include plenty of fiber.

Prep ahead of time

You’ll feel deprived if you never allow yourself to snack between meals. Snacking is fine, but prepare beforehand so you’re not tempted to grab that candy bar. If you’re leaving home, pack some unsalted nuts in a bag to have with you.

Stop before you’re full

If there’s a food you really enjoy, you don’t have to completely avoid it — just limit your portions. A couple of strategies to help you with this: if the serving is large, eat half of it now and save the rest for another email, or practice the Japanese principle of hara hachi bu, or eating until you’re 80% full instead of consuming all the food on your plate. Eating slowly will help with this as well.

Reduce stress

A big part of not feeling deprived is getting the rest you need. When we’re tired, we often turn to easy foods high in calories, sugar, and fat. Sleep deprivation also increases levels of ghrelin in your body and decreases levels of leptin, making you want to eat more. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night to combat this.

You’re welcome to try these changes on your own, but having a professional guide you through a customized weight-loss plan can be helpful. If you’d like guidance, just find the Physicians Medical Primary Care location nearest to you and book an appointment today! 

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