Here’s How Changes in Your Hormones Affect Your Sexual Health

Here’s How Changes in Your Hormones Affect Your Sexual Health

As you live your daily life, your body is doing many, many things you’re not aware of. One aspect of your how your body works is that it relies on hormones to regulate many bodily functions, including things like your sleep cycles, your digestion, and even your sexual health.

As you age, however, your hormone levels can fluctuate, leading to changes in how your body functions. This is especially true when it comes to your sexual health.

At Physicians Medical Primary Care, we understand how much this can impact your life. Here’s more information for you on how changes in your hormones can affect your sexual health.

Why do hormone levels change?

Our hormone levels change naturally at various points throughout our lives, such as puberty and menopause, and hormone imbalance can happen at any age, especially if you’re dealing with some kind of disorder that affects your hormones.

As we age, our hormone levels also naturally drop. In women, their estrogen levels decline, and in men, the amount of testosterone decreases. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance in women include migraines, weight gain, heavy bleeding during their period, fatigue, mood swings, and depression. In men, these symptoms include hair loss, lowered muscle mass, fatigue, weight gain, and depression.

How do hormone levels affect sexual health?

Lowered hormone levels can cause issues with your sexual life as well. Women often experience a decreased libido, vaginal dryness, and pain during sex, while men can also have a decreased libido, along with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

If these symptoms continue over a period of time, your doctor will order blood tests to check the level of hormones in your body. Depending on the results, they can then customize a treatment plan that will bring your hormone levels back up to normal. 

Replacement bioidentical hormones can be administered through creams, patches, pellets, and medication. Your doctor will monitor your progress as you try various methods; the goal should be to restore your sexual desire and drive. This goal may require adjustments in the amount or type of medicines you’re using. 

When you’re ready to discuss how hormone replacement may be a treatment that can get your sexual health back on track, contact any of the Physicians Medical Primary Care offices by phone or with our online booking tool, and we’ll set up on initial consultation to get you where you want to be as soon as possible!

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