Blog Archive

I Can’t Seem to Lose Weight on My Own: Can You Help? Jul 22nd, 2024

Does this sound familiar? You’ve just finished a month of dieting. You put the effort in, made the meal plans, did the exercise program … and nothing happened. You didn’t lose a single pound. This isn’t the first time, either. You just can’t seem to lose the weight on your...

The Importance of Having a Primary Care Physician Jun 2nd, 2024

Want to stay healthy throughout your life? Get a doctor! It sounds basic, but one of the best things you can do for your health is to build a relationship with a primary care physician who knows you and can help manage your health over the years. At Physicians Medical...

Can Dietary Supplements Help Me Lose Weight? May 1st, 2024

Everyone wants to know if there’s a magic pill that can help you lose weight just by swallowing one every day while you eat whatever you want to eat and live however you want to live. The answer: Nope. But if you’re consistent with a healthy diet and a regular...

The Importance of Men Having Annual Physicals Apr 3rd, 2024

You may or may not be surprised by this, but men don’t always like to talk about their feelings, including potential health problems, especially if they’re feeling fine. In fact, a recent national screening discovered that 33% of men don’t think they need an annual physical exam, and 65% of...

5 Ways to Lower Your Risk of COPD Mar 17th, 2024

Nearly 16 million people in the United States have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with many more not realizing they even have it. COPD is a chronic, progressive, inflammatory disorder that causes airflow in your lungs to be disrupted. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, tightness in your chest,...

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed? Feb 7th, 2024

If your doctor just gave you the news that you have diabetes, you can take comfort in two things. First, you’re not alone. More than 38 million people in the United States have diabetes.  90%-95% of those people have Type 2 diabetes, which occurs when your body doesn’t respond to...

4 Chronic Diseases Weight Loss Can Help Reverse Jan 18th, 2024

Obesity is a major epidemic in America. The condition, in which excessive accumulation of body fat impairs your health, affects 42% of adults, leading to an annual medical cost due to obesity of $173 billion (in 2019 dollars). It’s also a major risk factor for multiple chronic diseases, leading to...

Do I Always Need Treatment for an Ear Infection? Dec 13th, 2023

You wake up in the morning and feel pressure and pain in your ear that wasn’t there the night before. Your kid comes home from school rubbing their ear and complaining that it hurts. In both scenarios, your first thought is that you or your child has an ear infection,...

Why Doctors Call Hypertension a Silent Disease — And How to Spot the Warning Signs Nov 15th, 2023

When was the last time you had your blood pressure checked? If it’s been a few years, you need to get to a doctor and have your blood pressure taken as soon as you can. You may be dealing with hypertension, or high blood pressure, and not know it. In...

4 Preventive Measures Every Man Should Take to Protect Their Health Oct 1st, 2023

The numbers tell the story. Life expectancy for men is five years less than that of women, and men are up to 50% less likely than women to go to the doctor. How, then, do we get men to take their health seriously by instituting preventive health care measures? At...

Is All Joint Pain Arthritis? Sep 1st, 2023

If you’re noticing pain in one of your joints, you naturally want to fix it, so you must figure out what’s causing your discomfort. To determine the cause, start by looking at the symptoms. Your pain may be constant, or it may come and go. Your joint may feel stiff,...

4 Telltale Signs of Ear Infections in Kids Aug 1st, 2023

“Here we go again,” you groan inwardly. “Another ear infection for my kids?!” Or is it? Trying to determine whether your child’s issue is a full-blown ear infection that needs medical attention or some other minor problem you can treat at home can be difficult, even for experienced parents. (Quick...

When to Worry About a Sore Throat Jul 6th, 2023

There it is again. You’ve been wondering if that’s just a tickle in your throat or if it may actually be hurting. You’ve tried to ignore it as long as possible, but it keeps popping up to remind you to pay attention. But how can you know when it’s actually...

I Exercise Every Day. Why Do I Still Have High Blood Pressure? Jun 9th, 2023

You know you’re in shape because you exercise every day. You’re no couch potato. In fact, you’re one of the fittest people in your group of friends. Why did you have high blood pressure the last time you went to the doctor? The answer lies in the fact that there...

5 Ways to Lose Weight Without Feeling Deprived May 7th, 2023

You need to lose weight, and you know it. You even want to lose weight. You’ve tried a bunch of different weight loss plans, but all of them fizzle out eventually. You might see some quick results, but you always feel cranky and less than your best self because you’re...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Strep Throat Symptoms Apr 13th, 2023

Waking up in the morning with a sore throat is no fun. Your mouth is dry, it hurts to swallow, and you’re not sure if the pain is caused by drainage, an upper respiratory infection, or strep throat. The majority of sore throats are caused by a virus. Only three...

How Does Aging Affect Your Blood Pressure? Mar 14th, 2023

Most people develop more physical issues as they age than when they were younger, including pain in their joints, extra weight around their waist, and blurry vision in their eyes. There’s another physical problem whose likelihood increases as you age that you may have without even realizing it — and...

4 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Osteoarthritis Pain Feb 15th, 2023

Pain in your body is a signal that something is wrong. If the pain is acute, it can be dealt with quickly and will be over soon, but if it’s chronic, the pain is long-lasting and will require different strategies. Such is the case for people who suffer from osteoarthritis....

Is Prediabetes Reversible? Jan 1st, 2023

You know diabetes is a serious health condition, but you may not realize that you may be at risk for it. About 96 million American adults (one in three) have prediabetes, where their blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. Here’s the startling...

Common Myths and Facts About Immunizations Dec 12th, 2022

As flu season approaches, myth season does too. Every year, various myths about immunizations float around, with some taking root in people’s minds. The upshot of these myths is that many people who should be vaccinated to protect themselves from diseases are instead left unvaccinated, increasing their risk of becoming seriously ill....

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Know Your Risk Factors Nov 17th, 2022

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects more than 16 million people in the United States annually. It causes millions of visits to the emergency room and requires tens of billions of dollars in healthcare costs every year. Because COPD can lead to severe long-term disability and even early death, you should know...

Flu Season is Here: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Oct 1st, 2022

Believe it or not, summer is fading rapidly, the temperature is starting to drop, and flu season is almost upon us.  Here at Physicians Primary Medical Care in San Jose, California, we get common questions about the flu around this time every year. We have compiled a list of these...

The Dangers of Hypertension Sep 1st, 2022

Nearly one out of every two adults in the United States has hypertension, and most of them do not have it under control. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when the force of your blood pumping against the walls of your arteries is too high for too long. Treatment typically...

How Does an Immigration Physical Work? Aug 1st, 2022

Immigrating to the United States is a big deal. While there are many rules and regulations to follow, one of the most important parts of the process is the immigration physical. Designed to ensure public safety, the physical itself is fairly routine, but you’ll want to make sure you have...

What is the Difference Between Family Medicine and Internal Medicine? Jul 1st, 2022

If you’re looking for a new primary care doctor, you have likely seen offices that specialize in family care, and offices that specialize in internal medicine.  While both of those specialties might seem like they would work for you, you may still wonder what the difference is between them. Read...

Can My Gestational Diabetes Harm My Baby? Jun 1st, 2022

Gestational diabetes is diabetes first diagnosed in a mother during pregnancy. Just like other types of diabetes, it affects how your body’s cells use sugar (glucose), which leads to high blood sugar that can affect your health. One of the main issues with gestational diabetes is that it can also...

Here’s How Changes in Your Hormones Affect Your Sexual Health May 1st, 2022

As you live your daily life, your body is doing many, many things you’re not aware of. One aspect of your how your body works is that it relies on hormones to regulate many bodily functions, including things like your sleep cycles, your digestion, and even your sexual health. As...

4 Types of Primary Care Mar 1st, 2022

When you say you need to “go to the doctor,” you’re usually referring to your primary care provider, who addresses your general health and well-being. Primary care is an excellent way to treat ordinary illnesses and catch health problems early, before they become more serious. In addition to treating various...

Managing Your Gestational Diabetes During and After Pregnancy Feb 11th, 2022

Diabetes is a general term used to describe diseases that affect the way your body handles blood sugar. All the cells in your body need glucose (sugar) for energy, but sometimes your body doesn’t produce enough insulin (a hormone that enables the sugar to enter the cells), so the sugar...

The Importance of a Wellness Exam Jan 1st, 2022

You see the reminder pop up on your calendar and groan. The time for your annual wellness exam at the doctor has rolled around again, but you don’t want to go. You’re tempted to reschedule or even cancel, and you wonder: how important is this, anyway? Can’t I just skip...

Help for Your Arthritis Oct 1st, 2021

More than 58 million people in the United States have arthritis, and for about 24 million of them, the condition limits their ability to participate in everyday activities. More than one in four of them report severe joint pain. All this arthritis leads to another problem: work disability. The annual...

Adjusting to Life With Arthritis Sep 21st, 2021

A diagnosis of arthritis is not the end of your life, but it will change your life in some significant ways. Depending on the severity of your case and the type of arthritis you have, you’ll likely be dealing with significant pain, joint stiffness, and swelling. Seeing one of the...

Understanding the Different Types of Diabetes Sep 21st, 2021

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 34 million Americans have diabetes. That’s about 10.5% of the US population. In addition, more than 7 million adults whose blood met laboratory criteria for diabetes were not aware they had the condition. Those numbers tell us at least two things:...

Who’s at Risk for High Blood Pressure? May 24th, 2021

You probably know that high blood pressure is bad, but you may not know why or the trouble that high blood pressure can lead to. Your blood is carried throughout your body by a series of blood vessels called veins and arteries. As your blood circulates, it pushes against the...

Is Your Child an Athlete? Consider a Sports Physical Jan 1st, 2021

If your child is one of the 45 million kids playing sports in the United States, you’ve probably thought about the many different ways you can prepare them for their chosen sport: conditioning, individual coaching, drills, weight lifting, and practice, practice, practice. But you may have overlooked one vital piece...

How Does Weight Management Work? Jan 1st, 2021

If you’re overweight, chances are you’ve tried to lose weight more than once, and it just hasn’t worked. Maybe you’ve tried the latest diet craze, or maybe you’ve been super determined, but then a few weeks in, you drift back to your old habits. At Physicians Medical Primary Care, we...

What Is Weight Management? Nov 29th, 2020

More than one in three adults in the United States are overweight, and 17% of kids and adolescents fit in that category as well. These are troubling statistics, especially when you realize that obesity isn’t just a problem itself — it can also lead to all sorts of other health...

The Link Between Diabetes and Obesity Oct 1st, 2020

It’s no coincidence that the growth of diabetes diagnoses in the United States — approximately 100 million now — has occurred at the same time that one-third of the nation has tipped the scales into obesity. In fact, many in the medical world call the problem “diabesity.” At Physicians Medical...